
Thursday, 27 September 2012

IBM Cognos Metric Studio

IBM Cognos Metric Studio is the scorecarding and metrics tool in IBM Cognos Business Intelligence.Metric Studio is a performance tool for managing monitoring and analysing metrics, projects, and other performance measures within an organisation. 

It is used to create a scorecard application and monitor the metrics within the applications.It helps you ensure that your organisation’s performance is consistent with its targets and goals.You can use Metric Studio to create a customized scorecarding environment to monitor and analyze business metrics throughout your organization. A metric is a key performance indicator (KPI) related to time.In other words you use Metric Studio to monitor KPIs between one period and the next.A scorecard shows graphically how a metric is performing.This is typically done by using red, orange and green status notations.

IBM Cognos Metric Studio
Metric Studio helps you translate your organization's strategy into relevant, measurable goals that align each employee's actions with a strategic plan.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Using Group by clause along with ROLLUP or CUBE operators

Use the ROLLUP OPERATOR to produce subtotal values, ROLLUP IS AN EXTENSION OF GROUP BY CLAUSE, Use the CUBE OPERATOR to produce cross-tabulation values.  Use the GROUPING function to identify the row values created by ROLLUP or CUBE.  These operators and GROUPING function can best be used ALONG WITH GROUP FUNCTIONS, as group functions operate on a set of rows to give one result per group.

  • Examples of Rollup:

SQL> select deptno,sum(sal) from emp where deptno <30 group by rollup(deptno);

---------- ----------
        10       8750
        20      10875

SQL> select deptno,job,sum(sal) from emp where deptno <30 group by rollup(deptno,job);

    DEPTNO JOB         SUM(SAL)
---------- --------- ----------
        10 CLERK           1300
        10 MANAGER         2450
        10 PRESIDENT       5000
        10                 8750
        20 CLERK           1900
        20 ANALYST         6000
        20 MANAGER         2975
        20                10875

  • Example of CUBE:

The cube operator is used to produce results sets that are typically used for cross-tabular reports. This means Rollup produces only one possible subtotaling where as Cube produces subtotal for all possible conditions of grouping specified in the group by clause and a grand total
SQL> select deptno,sum(sal) from emp where deptno <30 group by cube(deptno);

---------- ----------
        10       8750
        20      10875
The following query produces subtotaling results based on job,based on deptno and based on the individual jobs(clerk or analyst or manager etc in dept 10 and 20)
SQL> select deptno,job,sum(sal) from emp where deptno <30
   group by cube(deptno,job);

    DEPTNO JOB         SUM(SAL)
---------- --------- ----------
           CLERK           3200
           ANALYST         6000
           MANAGER         5425
           PRESIDENT       5000
        10                 8750
        10 CLERK           1300
        10 MANAGER         2450
        10 PRESIDENT       5000
        20                10875
        20 CLERK           1900

    DEPTNO JOB         SUM(SAL)
---------- --------- ----------
        20 ANALYST         6000
        20 MANAGER         2975

13 rows selected.

Monday, 24 September 2012

Setting or Creating an Implicit Fact Column in OBIEE

To set an implicit fact column follow the steps and screenshot
  • Create a Dummy Fact column in a Physical Layer called Implicit Fact Column and map that column to any number of your choice
Creating Implicit Fact Column
  • Join all Dimensions to this Fact column in BMM Layer
  • In presentation layer, double click the presentation catalog/ go to properties of presentation catalog.
  • In the general tab, find the Implicit Fact Column section.
Selecting Implicit Fact Column from Presentation Catalog
  • Click on Set button, this will open the browse window
  • Select a fact column from the fact tables available in the presentation catalog.
  • Click OK.
  • Ensure that the selected Implicit Fact Column is displayed in the Implicit Fact Column section in the general properties of Presentation Catalog.
  • Click OK.
  • Save your changes in the repository.