
Friday, 28 June 2013

How to Save Session Logs with Timestamps using Informatica

Hi, This is a simple Post explaining about saving session logs in Informatica with timestamps.
In Informatica we might get requirement wherein we need to create session logs with proper time stamps. By Default the session logs created are stored in the path $PMSessionLogDir as shown below

This path can be also given through a parameter file by giving required path.For example,
$PMSessionLogFile = /home/myfolder/configurations/

Its always better to parameterize all paths. When a session file is created after successful running of the workflow, session logs created will not be having proper timestamps. In order to include timestamps we have an option in the Session Configuration as show below .As seen below there are two options
1. Session Runs (Default)

2. Session Timestamp

In order to get session logs with timestamps please include the second option. Once session logs are created we can attach the same using Email task and send to the required email id.

Please share your thoughts too...

Monday, 17 June 2013

Standard ETL Naming Conventions For Transformation Objects

Transformation Objects
Naming Convention
Advanced External Procedure Transformation
aep_<procedure name>
Aggregator Transformation
agg_<meaningful name>
Expression Transformation
exp_< meaningful name >
Filter Transformation
fil_< meaningful name >
Joiner Transformation
Lookup Transformation
lkp_<Lookup Table Name>
mplt_< meaningful name >
Normalizer Transformation
nrm_< source name >
Rank Transformation
rnk_< meaningful name >
Stored Procedure Transformation
sp_<procedure name>
Union Transformation
un_<meaningful name>

Standard ETL Naming Conventions For Workflow Objects

Workflow Objects
Naming Convention
Worklet Names
wklt_<meaningful name>
Command Line Names
cmd_<meaningful name>
Event Names
evtw_<meaningful name> for a wait event
evtr_<meaningful name> for a raise event
Decision Names
dcsn_<meaningful name>
Control Names
Email Names
Timer Names

Friday, 14 June 2013

nQLogViewer in OBIEE

We can use the log viewer utility nQLogViewerto view the query log.Each entry in the query log is tagged with the user ID, session ID and request ID.The User ID will have the details of the user who issued the query, the session ID will have the details of the session in which the query was initiated, and the request ID will have the individual query.

Location of nQLogViewer
  • 11g: Oracle_BI_HOME/bifoundation/server/bin/nqlogviewer.
You must run first the bi-init initialization file.
BI-INIT INITIALIZATION FILE: Before running any of the Oracle BI Server command-line utilities, you must now run bi-init.cmd (or on UNIX) to launch a command prompt or shell window that is initialized to your Oracle instance.

Location of this bi-init initialization file utility:
  • 10g: Oracle_BI/server/bin/nqlogviewer
To run the nQlogViewer utility, open a Command window and type nQlogViewer with any combination of its arguments.

The syntax is as follows:

nqlogviewer [-u<user_ID>] [-f<log_input_filename>]
          [-s<session_ID>] [-r<request_ID>]
  • user_ID
The name of a user in the Oracle BI repository.By using this the user specified in the syntax only can use the query logging. If it is not specified ,all the users for whom query logging is enabled will be shown.

  • log_input_filename
The name of an existing log file. This parameter is required.

  • output_result_filename
The name of a file in which the output of the log viewer to be stored. If the file exists, results are appended to the file. If the file does not exist, a new file is created. If not specified, output is sent to the monitor screen.

  • session_ID
The session ID of the user session.The Oracle BI Server assigns each session a unique ID when the session is initiated. This limits the scope of the log entries to the specified session ID. If not specified, all session IDs are shown.

  • request_ID
The request ID of an individual query. The Oracle BI Server assigns each query a unique ID when the query is initiated. This limits the scope of the log entries to the specified request ID. If not specified, all request IDs are show

Thursday, 13 June 2013

Standard ETL Naming Conventions For Repository Objects

Repository Objects
Naming Convention
Mapping Name
m_<meaningful name>
Session Name
s_<mapping name>
Workflow Names
wf_<meaningful name>
f_<meaningful name>
t_<meaningful name>