
Thursday 25 July 2013


As discussed in my previous post- What is a Debugger, we will discuss more about Informatica Debugger.

Informatica Debugger is used by Programmer for Test Data Loading into Target Database Tables or Just to view the data without loading. Main purpose of debugger is to view the step-by-step Transformation-by-Transformation) to trace out logical error.

Pre-requisites for using Debugger:

1.  Repository Server must be defined for the repository using Workflow Manager Tool
2.  Informatica Service must be configured and started

Steps For Debugging:
1.  Open the Mapping Program
2.  Mappings->Debugger->Edit Breakpoints:
 This is to define different transformations as breakpoint where Debugger has to stop to show the Data or Error. We can add as many breakpoints as required.
  • Select a transformation from the list
  • Use 'Add' button
  • Decide DATA or ERROR for stoppage
  • Define number of records (for DATA) or number of errors (for ERROR) to be skipped before debugger stops to show the data.
  • Use 'OK' button to complete

3.  Go to Mappings->Debugger->Start Debugger
  • Select Repository Server from the list
  • Select the session source. It can be:
    • From a Workflow (first option)
    • Reusable session (second option)
    • Debugg session (third option). Created temporarily by Debugger

4.  Define source and target database connections for Source Qualifiers and Target Tables.
5.  Select 'Normal' data loading option for Target Table under 'Properties Tab'.
6.  Disable option 'Discard target data' if you want to load data physically into Target Table(s).

7.  Use 'Finish' button to complete the process, At this stage we get some windows at bottom:
  • One window for Target Table Data view,
  • One window for Transformation Data View
  • One Output window for process display

8.If the first two windows are not available then use:
View->Debugger->Instance Data / Target Data
Select one-by-one.
Under Instance Window select an instance from the List and use F10 key to see the Next Instance of Data. Keep repeating the F10 key to view the records (instance of data).

Sunday 21 July 2013

Informatica Privileges

Privileges are actions that a user can perform in PowerCenter applications. You assign privileges to users and groups for the PowerCenter domain, the Repository Service, the Metadata Manager Service, and the Reporting Service. Informatica provides below privileges: 
  •   Workflow Operator:This privilege allows a user to execute Sessions and Batches based on Mapping programs for data loading using Workflow Manager Tool. 
  •   Use Workflow Manager: Allows a user to create Sessions and Batches and to set their properties using Workflow Manager Tool. 
  •   Use Designer: Allows a user to work as ETL Programmer using Designer Tool. 
  •   Browse Repository:Allows a user to view the content of the repository but manipulation is not allowed. 
  •   Admin Repository:Allows a user to Create and Maintain repository and its objects using Repository Manager Tool. 
  •   Admin Server:Allows a user to create Repository Servers and to set their properties using Workflow Manager Tool.  
  • Super User: All the privileges are granted to the user.

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Advantages of using Alias Table in OBIEE

  1. OBIEE does not support Circular join in BMM layer, we can overcome this problem by creating alias table for one of the table in that circular join.
  2. You can create a join relationship which is different than the actual foreign key relationship in the database. This helps in defining relationships to meet business model criteria.

Monday 15 July 2013

Why are we creating Alias table?

The following points are the main reasons to create an alias table:
  • To reuse an existing table more than once in your physical layer instead of importing it several times.
  • To set up multiple tables, each with different keys, names, or joins, when a single data source table needs to serve in different semantic roles. Setting up alias tables in this case is a way or will help us to avoid triangular or circular joins.

Thursday 11 July 2013

What is an Alias Table in OBIEE?

It is a reference to a physical table. Aliases are created in the physical layer of the repository and are an important part of designing a physical layer. An alias table is a physical table that references a different physical table as its source (called the original table).

Saturday 6 July 2013

Test Cases For Data Loading In Informatica

Below are some of the test cases that need to be checked in Informatica .
  • Check If The Source And Target Data Base Connections Are Fine, And No Issues Accessing The Source Data. The Database Connections Should Be Defined In The Parameter File
For Example $Dbconnection1 =Oracle

  • If it’s A Full Load Check If the Truncate Option Is Enabled and Working Correctly. For Type 2(Scdtype 2) Truncate Option Should Be Disabled

  • Check For The Performance Of The Session While Loading The Data. This Includes Checking The Threshold Value Once The Data Is Loaded. The Performance Becomes Important When The Number Of Records Are Huge
  • Set The Stop On Error As 1 In Error Handling. Indicates How Many Non-Fatal Errors The Integration Service Can Encounter Before It Stops The Session. Non-Fatal Errors Include Reader, Writer, And Dtm Errors. Enter the Number Of Non-Fatal Errors You Want To Allow Before Stopping The Session.This Will Stop The Workflow When Informatica Encounters Any Error

  • Check The Option To Fail The Parent If The Task Fails. Fail Parent If This Task Fails Should Be Checked For All The Sessions Within A Workflow.

  • Check If The Logs Are Getting Updated Properly After The Data Load Is Completed. This Includes the Session Log and Workflow Log

  • Check If the Mapping Parameters And Workflow Parameter Used In The Mapping Are Defined Correctly
For Eg.$$Load_Value

  • Compare The Stage And Target Table Counts.
  Select Count(*)  From Product_D
  Select Count(*)  From Product_Ds

  • Comparing the Attributes from Stage Tables to That of the Target Tables. They Should Be Matching.