
Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Explain about OBIEE Repository(rpd) and How to modify repository in Online and Offline mode?

The repository is the file that contains all metadata of the BI Server and is managed through the administration tool.
The main window of the Administration Tool is a graphical representation of the following three parts of a repository:
  • Physical layer:Represents the physical structure of the data sources to which the Oracle BI Server submits queries. This layer is displayed in the right pane of the Administration Tool.
  • Business Model and Mapping layer:Represents the logical structure of the information in the repository. The business models contain logical columns arranged in logical tables, logical joins, and dimensional hierarchy definitions. This layer also contains the mappings from the logical columns to the source data in the Physical layer. It is displayed in the middle pane of the Administration Tool. 
  • Presentation layer: Represents the presentation structure of the repository. This layer allows you to present a view different from the Business Model and Mapping layer to users. It is displayed in the left pane of the Administration Tool.
It stores all the information about the application environment:
  • the security,
  • data modeling,
  • aggregate navigation,
  • caching,
  • and connectivity information
The BI Server can access multiple repositories.
Repository is located:
  • on 10g: BI_ORACLE_HOME/server/Repository
  • on 11g: ORACLE_INSTANCE/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obisn/repository
Modifying Repository
Use offline mode to view and modify a repository while it is not loaded into the Oracle BI Server. If you attempt to open a repository in offline mode while it is loaded into the Oracle BI Server, the repository opens in read-only mode. Only one Administration Tool session at a time can edit a repository in offline mode.
You need to have access to offline editing of your RPD to edit necessary changes for connectivity to your database system. There are two alternative ways provided below to complete necessary RPD edits for your configuration

  • Option 1 (general case) : Use Admintool to edit your RPD file
On OBIEE 11g, always open Admintool through the Start program menu within the Oracle Business Intelligence menu. Do NOT open the RPD by simply double clicking on the RPD file or typing Admintool.exe in a command line

  • Option 2 (only for OBIEE 11G) : use RPD XML patching to update your RPD file
An alternate way of updating the RPD variables is by using an XML patch file. In this approach, you dont need to open the RPD through an Admin tool. Instead, the values of the variables will be updated in an XML file and then these values will be updated in the RPD by running a command line utility called biserverxmlexec. This will update the rpd in an offline mode.

Use online mode to view and modify a repository while it is loaded into the Oracle BI Server. The Oracle BI Server must be running to open a repository in online mode. There are certain things you can do in online mode that you cannot do in offline mode. In online mode, you can perform the following tasks:
  • Manage scheduled jobs
  • Manage user sessions
  • Manage the query cache
  • Manage clustered servers 
  • Stop the Oracle BI Server

1 comment:

  1. Useful info...It really helps. Thanks for sharing.
