
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Comparision of Repository Objects using Workflow Manager

In order to compare two repository objects of the same type we can use Workflow manager.Using this we can identify the difference between two objects like difference between two Email task.Comparison can be done across Folders and repositories.
Following objects can be compared but we cannot compare objects of different types. For example, you cannot compare an Email task with a Session task.
  • Tasks
  • Sessions
  • Worklets
  • Workflows
Steps for Comparing Objects
  • Open the folders that contain the Repository objects you want to compare.
  • Open the Workflow Manager
  •  For tasks, Click Tasks > Compare,For Worklets:Worklets > Compare,For Workflows: Workflow > Compare.
  • You can find a dialog box opened.Click Browse to select an object.
  • And then Click Compare.

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