
Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Public Cloud Computing Deployment Model

A public cloud can be accessed by any subscriber with an internet connection and a device to access the cloud space.The name “public” in the public cloud comes from the fact that application is hosted on the Hosting Providers location that means vendors/service providers.A public cloud sells services to anyone on the Internet.Even though it is hosted in a shared system, each resource operates in business environment and encrypted securely.

In this type of cloud all the hosted resources and services are dynamically added and removed based on the usage.The applications, hardware, software,information and other resources are made available to the users through a service provider.Some services are free and other services are offered on a pay-per-use model.So,public cloud is more advantages for Small and Medium scale users or business enterprises since we are going to pay for the resources which we are going to use.Public cloud is a traditional way of cloud computing where resources are dynamically provided to users on a fine-grained,self-service and on-demand basis over the Internet or/and through or/and from an off-site third party provider.

The service providers operate the infrastructure and provide access to users only through internet(no direct connectivity is offered) The infrastructure part maintained by the service provider includes hardware and the bandwidth.

Examples of Public Cloud service providers in the market are Amazon Web Services(AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Apps.Currently,Amazon Web Services is the largest public cloud service provider.

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