
Thursday, 11 October 2012

Decode Function in Oracle

Decode helps us to use conditional inquires by doing the work of a case or if-then-else statement (switch or if-then-else).  The syntax is:

Decode(col/expression,search1,result1 [,search2,result2] [,search3,result3] [,search4,result4] […………………..] [, default])

SQL> select ename, empno, sal, job,
decode (job,'MANAGER', sal+5000) new_sal from emp;
ENAME          EMPNO       SAL JOB         NEW_SAL
---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
SMITH           7369       800 CLERK
ALLEN           7499      1600 SALESMAN
WARD            7521      1250 SALESMAN
JONES           7566      2975 MANAGER        7975
MARTIN          7654      1250 SALESMAN
BLAKE           7698      2850 MANAGER        7850
CLARK           7782      2450 MANAGER        7450
SCOTT           7788      3000 ANALYST
KING            7839      5000 PRESIDENT
TURNER          7844      1500 SALESMAN
ADAMS           7876      1100 CLERK
JAMES           7900       950 CLERK
FORD            7902      3000 ANALYST
MILLER          7934      1300 CLERK
14 rows selected.

SQL> select ename, empno, sal,
decode (job,'MANAGER',SAL+5000) "N_S", job from emp;
ENAME          EMPNO       SAL       N_S JOB
---------- --------- --------- --------- ---------
SMITH           7369       800           CLERK
ALLEN           7499      1600           SALESMAN
WARD            7521      1250           SALESMAN
JONES           7566      2975      7975 MANAGER
MARTIN          7654      1250           SALESMAN
BLAKE           7698      2850      7850 MANAGER
CLARK           7782      2450      7450 MANAGER
SCOTT           7788      3000           ANALYST
KING            7839      5000           PRESIDENT
TURNER          7844      1500           SALESMAN
ADAMS           7876      1100           CLERK
JAMES           7900       950           CLERK
FORD            7902      3000           ANALYST
MILLER          7934      1300           CLERK
14 rows selected.

SQL> select job, sal, decode (job,'ANALYST',sal*1.10, 'CLERK',SAL*1.15, 'MANAGER',sal*1.20,sal) "rev_sal" from emp ORDER BY JOB;
JOB             SAL   rev_sal
--------- --------- ---------
ANALYST        3000      3300
ANALYST        3000      3300
CLERK           800       920
CLERK          1100      1265
CLERK          1300      1495
CLERK           950    1092.5
MANAGER        2975      3570
MANAGER        2450      2940
MANAGER        2850      3420
PRESIDENT      5000      5000
SALESMAN       1600      1600
SALESMAN       1250      1250
SALESMAN       1500      1500
SALESMAN       1250      1250
14 rows selected.

SQL> select ename,sal,deptno,decode(deptno,10,
 decode(job,'MANAGER',sal+4000,sal),sal+1000) "new_sal" from emp;
ENAME            SAL    DEPTNO   new_sal
---------- --------- --------- ---------
SMITH            800        20      1800
ALLEN           1600        30      2600
WARD            1250        30      2250
JONES           2975        20      3975
MARTIN          1250        30      2250
BLAKE           2850        30      3850
CLARK           2450        10      6450
SCOTT           3000        20      4000
KING            5000        10      5000
TURNER          1500        30      2500
ADAMS           1100        20      2100
JAMES            950        30      1950
FORD            3000        20      4000
MILLER          1300        10      1300
14 rows selected.   


  1. what is the difference between case when and decode function?
    In which scenerios we can use either case when or decode function?

  2. DECODE is Oracle propretary whereas CASE follows to the ANSI standard. For years DECODE was the only choice but since Oracle 9i there is no serious reason to use it anymore, since CASE is much more powerful. CASE supports true conditions not only checks for equality: e.g. in order to express CASE when a > b then ... you have to write DECODE(sign(a-b), 1,..., ....)
