
Friday 26 October 2012

Informatica User-Defined Functions

User-Defined Functions
User defined functions are created using Informatica Designer and used in expressions to reuse expression logic and build complex expressions.

To increase the salary of employees by 5000 we create User Define Function INC_SAL and in expression we give the below function
decode (job,’EMPLOYEE’, sal+5000)
Below is how you call the User Defined Function from an expression
:UDF. INC_SAL (Job_Type);

User Defined function can be Private or Public
  • Public:Can be called from any user-defined function, transformation expression, link condition expression, or task expression.
  • Private:Can be called from another user-defined function

How to Configure a User-Defined Function
  • It begins with a letter.
  • It can contain letters, numbers, and underscores. It cannot contain any other character.
  • It cannot contain spaces.
  • It must be 80 characters or fewer.

  • After you create a public user-defined function, you cannot change the function type to private.
  • You can place a user-defined function in another user-defined function,
  • User defined functions are available to other users in a repository.

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