
Tuesday, 27 November 2012

How to Configure the Delivery Content Tab of iBots/Agents in OBIEE

Configure the Delivery Content Tab

Delivery Content tab is used to specify the type of content to deliver with the iBot, such as a dashboard page or a saved request. You can also specify the delivery format for the content, such as HTML, PDF, XLS, CSV, or text.
To add a headline to appear as the iBot subject line:
  • Type a short, descriptive headline into the Headline text box.
To select the delivery content for the iBot:
  1. Click the Select Content button.
  2. At the Choose Delivery Content dialog box, select the delivery content and click OK.
  3. Choose a format for the delivery content from the Send content as drop-down list.
If we want to add a text message to provide the context for the ibot attachment
we can choose the option If sent as attachment, include this text.
To remove the delivery content for the iBot:
  • Click the Clear Content button.
To specify a text message to deliver to recipients when there is no iBot content to deliver to them:
  1. Click the following option:Deliver this message when no records are returned
  2. Type the text into the text box.
We can add variables in any one of the text areas provided above.
the syntax is shown in the following table:
Variable Type


  1. I want to get multi example because I am not good oracle 11g . help me please give me a books. thank you
