
Friday 9 November 2012

Write-Back Template Example in OBIEE

The write back template is an custom messages (XML-formatted) file that contains SQL commands needed to insert and update records in the write back table and columns you have configured. It must be store in the directory

The line
<WebMessage name="SetQuotaUseID">
contain the value of the template name. This value must match with the value filled in the table properties.

The line
<writeBack connectionPool="Supplier">
contain the value of the connection pool. You must have the same name in the repository.

The line
<update>UPDATE regiontypequota SET Dollars=@{c4} WHERE YR=@{c0} AND Quarter=@{c1} AND Region='@{c2}' AND ItemType='@{c3}'</update>
contain the SQL statement to update the database.

Values can be referenced either by position (such as @1, @3) or by column ID (@{c0}, @{c2}).

A write-back template might resemble the example given below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<WebMessageTables xmlns:sawm="">
<WebMessageTable lang="en-us" system="WriteBack" table="Messages">
   <WebMessage name="SetQuotaUseID">
         <writeBack connectionPool="Supplier">
            <insert>INSERT INTO regiontypequota VALUES(@{c0},@{c1},'@{c2}','@{c3}',@{c4})</insert>
            <update>UPDATE regiontypequota SET Dollars=@{c4} WHERE YR=@{c0} AND Quarter=@{c1} AND Region='@{c2}' AND ItemType='@{c3}'</update>
   <WebMessage name="SetQuota">
         <writeBack connectionPool="Supplier">
            <insert>INSERT INTO regiontypequota VALUES(@1,@2,'@3','@4',@5)</insert>
            <update>UPDATE regiontypequota SET Dollars=@5 WHERE YR=@1 AND Quarter=@2 AND Region='@3' AND ItemType='@4'</update>

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